Coronavirus Updates

In light of the Coronavirus, there will be changes in the flow of the office and office policies to better keep us safe during appointments.

Please note 

Do NOT schedule an appointment if you currently have, or in the last two weeks have had a cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell, new rash, swollen red toes, or new, unusual muscle pain. Also, please do NOT schedule an appointment if you have been in contact with anyone in the last two weeks who has had the above-mentioned symptoms, someone diagnosed with Covid-19, or you have recently returned from somewhere with high levels of diagnosed Covid-19. In addition, if any of these occur after you have scheduled an appointment, please cancel your appointment. Late cancellation fees will be waived.

Cleaning & Sanitizing

High-touch surfaces in the office will be sanitized after each patient. As many of you know, we regularly wash hands between patients. This will continue and expand on the time and frequency spent on that.

Flow of the Office

To assist in social distancing, I will endeavor to only have one patient in the office at a time (which means fewer appointment slots per day). I ask that you come by yourself and that you come precisely at your appointment time. This will help prevent crossover in the waiting room, which will be unavailable for seating for the time being, as upholstered furniture is difficult to sanitize.


Per government recommendations, everyone will be required to wear a mask while in the office at all times (I will be wearing one as well). I expect that you have one, but if for some reason you do not have a mask, I have a limited number of them available for purchase.

What a visit will look like this summer

When you come in, I will ask you to use some hand sanitizer. You will pause in the waiting room so that I may take your temperature and ask you some screening and intake questions. Then you will be escorted into a treatment room where you may be seated on the treatment table. There will be a designated table to put items that you feel you need to bring. I would ask that you bring in a minimum of extra clothing, jewelry, and parcels.

I have gowns available, but better in these times may be to have loose, movable clothing that can be maneuvered easily to treat most areas of your body, especially any areas of concern. Many times disrobing will be necessary. May I suggest that you bring a shopping bag in which to put your clothing. This will bring your clothing into contact with a minimum of surfaces and also make my job of sanitizing easier. 

I encourage you to use the restroom before you leave home. There is a restroom on my floor, as many of you know, and it is kept clean. However, there is no way to sanitize it after every single user. If you do need to use it, take care with washing your hands, and then please, once again use the provided hand sanitizer as soon as you enter my office.

This is going to be an adjustment for all of us, getting together in this different format. But I feel we can proceed well and get you the help you need in this unusual time. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach out so that we may discuss them.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to contact us. And you can join our mailing list below if you wish to receive email updates on our reopening.